Friday, December 16, 2011

Kuch Luv Jaisa - Part 5

Smruti was sitting on the chair in the balcony of their apartment. It was a cool Sunday evening and the hot coffee in her hand was adding to the spice. A beautiful view of some parts of South Mumbai was visible through the balcony. And she always loved it…to have her coffee while silently observing the beauty of the crowded city.

She was silent. She was thinking about Samrat. It was getting very obvious that he has some feelings for her. Feelings which are beyond a teacher-student relationship. Feelings which make him find comfort in an altogether different relation. But can’t he see the fact that what he is thinking is beyond any possibility? She is a married woman with a four year old kid and also elder to him by almost ten years. In spite of this age difference and in spite of all the knowledge about her personal life, he continued to like her. And that was troubling her.

But there was one bigger thing which was troubling her more. And that was her mere acceptance of his behavior. She was not showing any kind of resistance towards him. She received almost all his calls, replied to all his messages, talked with him like a friend would talk. And all this, in spite of the knowledge that he was getting involved with her. This thing was troubling her. Why wasn’t she resisting? Why wasn’t she giving him clear signals that what he want is mere impossible and would never be a reality?

‘I think a doctor can have answers to almost all the questions of life.’ Dev came in the balcony and stood in front of her. ‘And that is the reason why, you need to tell me what are you thinking and why my dear wife is so puzzled today?’

She laughed. ‘I disagree. Every question doesn’t have an answer. And some questions are better left unanswered. Doctor, too, is a human after all. He can’t have all the answers.’

‘You know, Smruti, how beautiful you look when you smile than when you get immersed in deep thoughts?’ Dev sipped his coffee.

‘Thanks for that compliment. But it's brain. Who other than a psychiatrist can judge well about the functioning of the mind and brain? They have to work, they have to think! You can’t avoid thoughts.’ Smruti kept her mug on the small table near the chair.

‘That is true. But, on a serious note, what happened?’

‘Naah, nothing. Well, I want to tell you something. I might go to Chandigarh and Manali in January. It is our college IV, the Industrial Visit.’

‘Wonderful! So are you asking me for the permission?’ Dev said while smiling.

‘No, Mr. Deshpande. I am just informing you.’ Both smiled. Their conversations usually take a route of a very dramatic tone. And may be that was one of the reasons for their successful camaraderie so far.

‘But for how many days?’

‘May be a week.’

‘So I will have to stay without you for a week.’

‘That must not be a problem for you. You, anyway, love your patients more than me. I am feeling uneasy because I will have to stay without Rhea for a week.’

‘That was such a mean statement.’

‘It was sarcastic too.’ She smiled and winked.

At that very moment, Daaiji came there calling for Smruti. ‘Smruti, your student has come. The same boy…Samrat.’

Smruti got a pinch in her throat. She could not believe what Daaiji was telling her. Samrat had never been to her place before. This was the first time. She felt embarrassed but tried to hide her feelings.

‘Oh, is it? Tell him to have a seat. I will just come.’

Samrat tried to be comfortable in the living room area of Smruti’s apartment. The living room was very spacious and neatly kept. It did not have extra-ordinary interiors but the simplicity and the comfort was making it shine. Samrat saw a small corner which had a book shelf and lying there were plenty of books from computer science and fiction to medical science.

‘It is a mixture of engineering and medicine,’ said Smruti as she and Dev arrived in the living room. She saw Samrat going through the book shelf and observing them very keenly.

‘Sam, he is Dev…Dr. Dev Deshpande and Dev, he is Samrat Joshi, my favorite student.’ Smruti smiled. Samrat felt good on that compliment. Dev and Samrat shook hands. ‘I have heard a lot about you, Mr. Samrat. You are very popular in our family...for all good reasons though!’ Dev spoke keenly.

‘Oh, is it? You must be lying. But if it is true then I think it is my absolute pleasure. And yeah, just call me Sam, sir.’

‘Ok. Even you should call me Dev. 'Sir' makes me feel older. C’mon! I am not that old.’

Everyone started laughing. Daaiji brought some coffee for Samrat.

‘Have it, Sam. And say. How come you are here today?’ Smruti took an opportunity to ask about his surprise visit.

‘I had come to a friend’s place. He stays on the next lane to you. Then I thought, it would be even better if I could meet you and leave. Hope I have not disturbed you guys. It is a Sunday evening, after all and a good time to take rest.’

‘No, man. Not at all. We were just having some coffee and chatting while you came.’ Dev seemed to be impressed with Samrat’s talks. ‘So how is the final year going on? And yes, congratulations first of all! You got placed at Infosys, right?’

‘Yes, sir! Thanks a lot.’

‘No 'sir'!’

‘Ah! Sorry, Dev.’

‘That’s better. So how are the things?’

‘Pretty good. We are enjoying the last year. The seventh semester exams are going to start soon. We have an IV post exams. Did ma’am tell you about it?’

‘Yes, yes. We were talking about it just a few minutes back.’

Dev and Samrat got immersed in a deep conversation then. Somehow, it was making Smruti a bit uncomfortable. She was silently listening to their talks regarding their favorite football clubs, Samrat’s future plans, Dev’s demanding job and much more. She was just silently listening to it.

Rhea came from her friend’s house in the neighborhood. She came and stood near Smruti.

‘Sam, she is Rhea and Rhea, this is Sam. Remember, I told you about my favorite student?’

Samrat pulled Rhea’s soft cheeks. Rhea really liked Samrat. She went and sat beside him.

‘Which standard do you study?’ he asked her.

‘I am in junior KG now,’ she said. ‘This is just her first year at school.’ Smruti added.

Samrat had hit the jackpot. In the first meet itself, he had charmed almost everyone in Smruti’s family. Dev liked the way Samrat spoke. His witty speech and sense of humor did impress Dev. Rhea, too, got fond of Samrat. He dined with the Deshpande family that night. The dinner was really awesome. Samrat was all praise for Daaiji.

Finally, it was the time to leave. Smruti came near the society gate to leave Samrat.

‘It was a real good time for me today.’

‘For us too.’ Smruti said but with least enthusiasm. She was definitely not much comfortable with him getting too friendly with Dev and Rhea.

‘Didn’t you like it?’


‘That I came to your house. I found you a bit uncomfortable while I was talking to Dev.’

‘No, nothing like that.’

‘I understand you, ma’am.’

‘You don’t.’

‘I do. But I think you don’t understand what I think and feel for you.’

Smruti did not know what to say. She paused for a while and said, ‘You are thinking in a very wrong direction, Sam.’

‘I am thinking divine. Love is divine for me.’

‘It is not right. You are foolish. You just met my husband, my daughter. You are ten years younger to me and my student too. Can’t you envisage this reality?’

‘I do.’

‘Then? Why are you getting into things which are not possible?’

‘It is not a question of possibilities. I know how true my feelings are.’

‘Sam, you are losing your mind and yourself.’

‘I do not mind if it is for you.’ He smiled and left from there. Smruti stood there silently, looking at him until he was no more visible. She could not believe that he literally said these things just now. Her heart was beating faster. I don’t mind losing myself for you, he had said. Smruti could have slapped him on his face then and there. However, she didn't do it. Rather, she liked it…liked the way he told her about his feelings…liked the way he stood with pride and confidence, entirely unapologetic about what he is saying. Suddenly, the gap of ten years between them faded away for Smruti.

‘Love is divine. Yes, I am worshipping it!’ was the new status on Samrat’s facebook account. Pooja read it amongst her updates. She was not much surprised but still she decided to call him and ask about it. So far, he has never really hidden anything from her. She was sure that he will definitely tell everything about it to her soon. She called him.

‘Tell me.’

‘Read your status. I need an analysis and justification.’ Pooja said.

Samrat started laughing. Pooja always loved it when he laughed. His mere voice made her go crazy.

‘You know everything. Is anything hidden from you? If not you then who will know it?’

‘I didn't get it. What do you mean?’

‘I will talk to you later. Mom is here. Bye.’

He cut the call. But she got confused. He has never really talked about his feelings for Smruti with her. So what does that meant? You know everything. Is anything hidden from you? If not you then who will know it? What does it indicate?

Was he talking about Smruti, or me? Pooja thought. It can be me. Otherwise, he would have taken Smruti’s name or some hint about the person. What if it is really me? Thoughts started invading her mind and all of sudden she felt like dancing of joy.

She knew that it is yet not clear. But the mere thought of that person being she herself, made her think about him more.

Pichalye dino se…mujhko hua yun…
Khud mein rahun main khoyee…
Tanaha khayalon mein…karti huin baatein…darr hai sune na koi…

Hota hai jaise…nindhon mein bolna…
Baahon mein dolna…aankhon mein tolna…
Hone laga hai…jaane kyun aisa…
Kuch luv jaisa…mujhko ho raha…

She was happy. The destiny, however, was not in her favor. It is a rule of life. You can’t really get everything you want. Loving someone, perhaps, is one of the most dangerous things in life. If you get back the same love then it is a most pleasurable journey of a lifelong romance. But if you not, then it can lead you to darkness…an utter darkness which makes even the silver lining to fade away.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Kuch Luv Jaisa - Part 4

‘Guys, IV in January!!!’

Pooja came screaming at the top of her voice. Kunal, Rajashri and Samrat were waiting for her in the canteen. The Principal had called a meeting of all secretaries and councils during which he announced the news about an Industrial Visit of the final year students to Chandigarh and Manali. Pooja was one among the secretaries of the Student Council of QIT.

‘Wow! Do you mean Industrial Visit?’ Rajashri asked.

‘Of course! IV means Industrial Visit only! You’re such a book worm, Rajashri.’ Pooja said.

‘That’s such a fantastic news!’ Kunal.

‘Which one? Rajashri being a book worm or we will be going to IV!’ Samrat said while staring at Rajashri.

‘You people are so mean. I am leaving. And I will not come to IV also. You guys don’t leave a single moment to pull my leg.’ Rajashri tried to show some anger. But she could never really get angry at her group. She loved them more than herself.

‘I’m so sorry, Rajashri!’ Samrat pretended to apologize.

‘But guys, it is in January. We have much more to face before that. Remember? We have placements from tomorrow. At least, I haven’t started any preparation.’ Pooja reminded the group about their campus placements which were to begin from the next day. During such campus placements, many IT and non-IT companies visit the college campuses for hiring students from the final year of engineering. First few companies are supposed to be honey pots as they not only offer huge salary packages but are also the ones at the top of their game and famous.

‘That’s my biggest fear for now, Pooja. You guys are at least good in maths. I am not sure whether I would be able to crack the aptitude tests.’ Kunal got worried.

‘C’mon, Kunal! Don’t start crying now. You are in the final year, dude! It is not that we all are good at aptitude. We have today’s time to practice and study. Let us do it then.’ Samrat tried to ease the tension.

‘Sam, for you, it’s easy because you are really good at aptitude. But we are not. Anyway, you have a point though. Let us start studying immediately for the rest of the day.’ Pooja said.

‘Yes! Anyway, we, engineers, are used to the last day studies!’ Rajashri.

‘Look who is talking!’ Kunal said and Rajashri picked up the empty can of coffee and threw on him. Kunal started running and Rajashri followed him, leaving behind Pooja and Samrat at the table.

‘Hey Sam! IV will be fun, won’t it be?’

‘Most definitely! It will be rocking.’

‘Truth!’ Pooja kept staring at him. She always felt at ease whenever she was with Samrat. After all, they shared friendship since their childhood. But somehow, for her, this friendship has become really special. She has got used to being with Samrat. She loved to fight with him. And she loved when he used to mend the ways by apologizing first. Pooja knew that the relation was getting special. They are no more ten year old kids. Today they are 22 years old and easily ready to fall in a very special relation.

But she didn’t know what he felt for her. And that is the reason why she never dared to take the topic until she gets some hint from him. Is this love?, she thought.

She was not sure. She was getting attracted to him and she knew it. But she was not ready to accept the fact that she had started loving her best friend. She was scared to admit it to herself.

‘Hey, girl! Where are you?’ Samrat pinched her hand.

‘Na..nothing! I was just thinking about the time we will spend at Chandigarh!’

‘Hmm. But before that, we have to get our jobs at hand.’

‘Truth. Tell me how are you going to study?’

‘Aptitude tests have maths, logical and English. English should be easy for us. Let us focus on maths and logical part. There are many books for it. R S Aggarwal would be one of the best choices to begin with.’

And both of them got immersed in a conversation for the preparation.

The moment she reached home, she got a call from Kunal.

‘Hey baby, want to talk to you right now.’

‘Kunu, let me first enter my house. Can I call you later?’ Kunu was Kunal’s pet name.

‘No girl! I want to talk to you right now. I could have told you about it in the college itself but Sam was around you all the time. And after sometime, every one of us will get busy preparing for tomorrow. So let us talk right now.’

‘Ok. Tell me. What is it about?’

‘Have you observed Sam these days?’

Pooja got the point. She knew Samrat more than anyone else.

‘Why? What happened to him?’

‘Don’t pretend that you don’t know anything. C’mon!’

‘Please Kunu, be precise and clear.’

‘Don’t you think that he is thinking about Smruti ma’am a lot these days? I guess he is getting serious.’

Pooja skipped a heartbeat. But she tried to gather some words.

‘Oh! So what’s the problem in it? We all know that he has a crush on her.’

‘Girl! This is serious. It is alright when we joke amongst ourselves. But when it gets a bit more than that to the extent that he calls her every night before sleeping, then it’s a cause to worry. He looks a bit lost these days. He tries to find her in every single woman around him. Do you know what I mean?’

‘Yes, I know!’

‘He doesn’t even look at girls of his age around.’

‘Haha..that was good. I know about it too.’

‘See, you know everything. I suggest you talk to him once. There is only one person to whom he can open up his mind and his heart. And it is only you, girl!’



‘Ok. Don’t worry. I will talk to him. I think we should get back at our preparations right now. Tomorrow is the D day man.’

‘Sure. Just let me know if you talk to him.’


She cut the call. She knew all the things which Kunal told her. But somehow she was not to ready to comprehend. She was not sure whether Samrat was really getting serious about Smruti. But now, after talking to Kunal, she was getting pretty sure.

She lost all the interest in getting prepared for the placements the next day.

The next day began with a lot of excitement. Everyone was in a formal attire to appear for the aptitude tests and ready to grab their first job offer. Infosys was the first company to start the roll. Patni, TCS, Cognizant were also ready with their pre-placement talks. QIT was easily one of the best colleges in Mumbai. It had many takers in the recruitment domain. Samrat was busy arranging his certificates and resume when Smruti arrived there.

‘Sam, go fast. The aptitude test is just about to begin. Run!’

‘Oh! Yea..yes. I am just going.’ Samrat closed his file.    

‘By the way, you look really handsome in formals.’ She looked at him and winked.

That was it. Samrat didn’t feel like moving from there. He blushed like anything.

‘Go, Sam and stop blushing. All the best!’ Smruti literally pushed him.

‘Thanks, ma’am. I will see you right after the test. Want to tell you something.’

‘Yeah yeah, go now!’

Samrat left from there. Smruti smiled to herself. The picture of Samrat blushing reappeared in front of her.

The aptitude tests were over for the day. And the selected students were waiting for the interviews to begin. Some dull and upset faces roamed around as not clearing the aptitude test was a big shock. Samrat, Pooja, Kunal and Rajashri, all four of them, had cleared the test. Now they were hoping to be together for the same company. Kunal couldn’t believe that he has cleared the test and was really happy. But the fate had some different story to tell. Kunal was selected for Patni’s interview while Rajashri was shortlisted for Cognizant’s interviews. Samrat and Pooja struck with a coincidence. Both were selected for Infosys’s interview.

There was still half an hour for the interviews to begin. Rajashri, Kunal and Pooja were busy going through their resumes. Samrat was pretending to read his file but he was looking for Smruti. Pooja observed it.

At that very moment, Smruti came there.

‘Hey ma’am!’ said Rajashri.

‘I will not disturb you guys much. I just want to tell that now it’s just a small road ahead. Clear it with the same intensity with which you all cleared the first round. All my best wishes with you. Love you all.’

‘Thank you, ma’am!’ every one said in unison.

Smruti and Samrat exchanged the glances.

Smruti left from there. Samrat stood up and followed her. Rajashri and Kunal looked at each other and then at Pooja. Pooja, however, was looking at Samrat who left his file on the table and ran behind Smruti to talk her. She got immersed in her thoughts.

‘Ma’am, thanks for that compliment in the morning!’

‘You are most welcome, Sam!’ she said while not looking at him and busy organizing files and papers on her table.

‘Ma’am, the interview is just going to begin. I am a bit nervous.’

‘Oh c’mon! Sam, you don’t need to be nervous. The interview will be a cake-walk for you. I am pretty sure about it. Just be yourself and answer.’

‘Hmm. Fingers crossed! Thanks, ma’am , for this encouragement.’

‘You don’t need to be. My wishes are always with you.’

‘I love you, ma’am!’

She looked at him. He was smiling. She was stunned. Before she could say anything, Kunal came from behind and shouted, ‘Sam, hurry up! The interviews have begun. Come fast!’

He looked at Kunal and looked back at Smruti and left from her cubicle.

Smruti’s jaws dropped. She didn’t know what to say. She was literally shivering as the words came very unexpectedly and in a way which was impossible for her to comprehend. She sat still for some time.

The interviews were over. There were almost two rounds of interviews namely technical and HR. Everyone was waiting to hear the results. It was almost 10 pm. The list was supposed to be displayed any time around. Smruti was also waiting at the college that day as she was a part of the placement council. Rajashri was almost about to faint as she had no more patience to wait any longer. Her interview, she said, was not really good. Kunal and Pooja were relaxed. Samrat was not much excited. He was thinking about the thing which happened at Smruti’s cubicle before he left for the interview.

And the news broke. The lists were put up.

All four of them had got it! Pooja was at the top of the world since she will be with Samrat for some more time now. Both of them were selected for Infosys. Rajashri was selected for Cognizant whereas Kunal got placed at Patni. There was a great cheer. A majority of the students were placed on the first day of placements. And the students who didn’t get anywhere, didn't have to worry much. There were two more days of placements ahead.

Kunal, Rajashri, Pooja and Samrat cheered together, 'HIP HIP HURREY!'

Smruti was looking at their students from a distance. She had a big smile on her face, especially to see these four friends cheering. They have got a job now.

Everyone came and hugged their Smruti ma’am. ‘It would not have been possible without your support, ma’am. I love you so much!’ Pooja got tears in her eyes. Smruti wiped off the tears and said, ‘Guys, it’s all your efforts. You don’t even know how happy I am at this moment. You guys are very special to me.’

‘Ma’am, will you come for the IV?’ Kunal asked.

Suddenly, there was a silence in the air. Smruti showed a hesitation on her face. Samrat thought that the answer was NO especially since what happened in the morning that day. Everybody was silent and looking at each other. Everyone wanted her to say a yes.

‘Yes, guys, I will be coming for the IV!’

‘Wow! HIP HIP HURREY!!’ cheered everyone as Smruti said it. Almost everyone started dancing with joy to hear that their favorite Smruti ma’am will be coming with them for the IV.

Samrat was blushing. Smruti looked at him. He smiled. So did she.

Pooja went through this exchange of expressions. Her excitement dropped suddenly. But she wore a big smile on her face. She said loudly, ‘Cheers!’.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kuch Luv Jaisa - Part 3

‘Rhea, dinner time.’

Rhea was busy watching a cartoon channel on the TV when Smruti called her for the dinner. Rhea was just four-years-old but very sharp and smart like her mother. She loved to watch cartoon and cricket too. Cricket came in to her list because of her father. Dev was very fond of the sport and played it himself on Sundays with friends.

Rhea had many traits of her mother. She used to play with her friends every time. She loved being with people. Small children, anyway, like to be with their friends. But Rhea never liked to be alone. It often happened that Smruti had to be a bit late at QIT due to some work. Hence, after coming back from school, Rhea had to be at home alone with the house care taker, Daaiji. But, she used to hate it as Daaiji was often busy with the household chores. Rhea had to spend time either playing alone or watching TV. But she had found a solution for it and used to call her friend, Shalaka from neighborhood. Then both the girls used to play, laugh and fight and make a lot of noise.

Daaiji was working as a house care taker with Deshpande’s since Rhea’s birth. Dev’s mother had sent her from Pune to be with Dev, Smruti and the girl and take care of the house. Though in her fifties, Daaiji was a workaholic. Right from getting up as early as 4.30 in the morning and making breakfast for the family, dropping and receiving Rhea to and back from the school to washing clothes and making food, every possible thing was taken care of by Daaiji. She was one of the greatest strengths for Dev and Smruti. They always looked up to her with a motherly affection. Dev’s mother had a grocery store at Pune, due to which it was not possible for her to come and stay with him and take care of the family. She had set a very strong base at Pune and the grocery store was working really very well. Daaiji used to assist her initially at the store but later, she was replaced by another lady as she had to be sent to Mumbai to be with Dev and Smruti.

‘Oh, enough, Daaiji. Do you know you are making me fatso?’ Smruti said as Daaiji was serving rice on the plates.

‘Shut up. You will not be fat by eating only this much. Look at yourself. All you girls of today are just trying to be, what they say, zero number?’

Smruti started laughing. ‘It is size zero, Daaiji.’

‘Yes, whatever.’ Daaiji was her natural self.

‘Smruti, your cell phone is ringing since last few minutes. Just check out.’ Dev said as he joined everyone at the dining table. ‘Papa’. Rhea hugged her father. Papa Dev planted a kiss on his daughter’s lovely cheeks.

‘First let us have dinner. No calls while having food.’ Daaji ordered. And everyone obliged.

The cell phone was ringing again. ‘Daaiji, I will just check out who is it. It is ringing continuously.’ As she came inside her bed room to check out her phone, she saw five missed calls. All of them were from Samrat.

‘Sam, what is it? I was having dinner. I am not done yet. Anyway, tell me what happened?’

Her soft voice was making his heart beat faster. She has done a real magic on him that now every aspect of her is leaving a long-lasting effect on him. Listening to her voice on the cell was making him dance with joy. ‘Oh, I am really sorry, ma’am. You’re having dinner so late today? It is already ten.’

‘Yes, I know. Actually, Dev was late today. So it became a bit late. But why were you calling?’

‘Well, no particular reason as such. I was out with Kunal and then was thinking about you. So thought of talking with you.’

There was a silence for a few seconds. Smruti knew that Samrat will have some or the answer ready. He called her often without any specific reason and just to talk with her. Actually many students did. They all loved their Smruti ma’am and always were in touch with her. But it was a privilege only for Samrat to call her at any hour of the clock. Initially, Smruti used to find it odd as Samrat had many friends but still he kept calling her even though they meet in college. She got used to it with time.

‘Haha.. well I’ll go now as Daaiji is really angry on me and Dev. Before she gets more upset, let me have dinner.’

‘Of course. Sorry to disturb, ma’am. Give my love to Rhea. Bye.’

‘Yeah, sure. Take care. Bye.’

Dev, Rhea and Daaiji were almost done with their food. Rhea ate less but used to eat with her own small hands.

‘Who was it?’ Dev asked.

‘Sam.’ Smruti said while starting to eat.

‘These students, I tell you. They cannot live without her. Smruti, why do you give your numbers to everyone? One should have some privacy, at least, at home.’

Daaiji had a point. ‘Leave it, Daaiji. Give me more rice. Your food is the best in the world. Do you know it?’ said Dev to change the topic.

‘You people know it very well how to make me quiet,’ Daaiji said while serving some more rice on his plate. Smruti and Dev winked at each other.

Here Kunal and Samrat were having their night walk on a quiet road near to their society. Kunal and Samrat stayed in the same housing society. Even Pooja used to stay there but she had to shift to another location due to her dad’s transfer of working location.

‘Hey, look on your right. What a babe, man!’

Samrat was indifferent and was looking straight while Kunal was pleasing his eyes.

‘What happened, Sam? I am observing a lot of changes in you these days.’ Kunal thought that it was the right time to ask him.

‘What changes are you talking about?’

‘You seem to be lost somewhere. Who were you talking to right now? Smruti ma’am?’

Samrat was quiet. And Kunal got his answer.

‘Dude, what’s up?’

‘Nothing. Should we go home now? I am feeling a bit sleepy.’

‘Ok.’ Kunal knew that there is definitely something wrong and it is related to Smruti ma’am. But Samrat will never open up his mind completely to anyone other than Pooja. He knew that only she would be able to talk to him regarding it.

Samrat’s mother was a psychiatrist. His father was a professor and had expired when Samrat was just ten-years-old due to a heart attack. Since then, it was his mother, Dr. Heena Joshi who took care of him and her demanding career.

Samrat came back home and went straight to his bed room.

‘Sam..’, Heena felt like talking to him. Mothers know it instantly by just looking at their child’s face if anything is wrong with him or her.

‘Yes mom?’

‘When are your placements going to begin?’

‘Most probably, by this month end.’

‘Ok. Do prepare for it, dear. Do not be overconfident.’

‘Yes, mom. I will. Anything else?’

Heena wanted to ask but then decided to let him go. ‘Well, nothing really. Go and sleep now.’

‘Good night.’ Samrat said.

‘Good night,’ said Dev and planted a kiss on her cheek. Smruti was very tired and about to sleep. Dev had some calls from his patients and so he was awake for a while.

‘Not sleepy?’ asked Smruti.

Dev, too, relaxed on the bed. ‘Yes, I am sleepy but how can I sleep before kissing my darling?’

Smruti smiled. ‘Had lot of patients today, right?’

‘A hell lot of them. I was just talking to one of them. Good that you are not a doctor.’ Dev.

‘Doesn’t matter. Being a professor is equally tiresome. Be one and you will know.’

‘Right now, I just know that I want to be with you.’ He said and kissed on her lips.

‘Let us sleep now. It is too late, dear.’ Smruti said.

‘Wait for a while. Just let me be like this for some time. I will get a good night’s sleep.’ He said while hugging her tight. He loved being in her arms and in her world. This was the only time they get to be together.

Both of them slept soon. However, a beep on her cell woke her up just when she was about to go in a deep sleep.

Good night and sweet dreams.

It was from Samrat. Suddenly she felt a bit uncomfortable. A bit lost. She looked at her husband who was lying near her, in a deep sleep now. And read the message again. She decided not to reply. Dev was having a really good sleep while she was trying to sleep but somehow, tonight, she was not getting a sound sleep.

It was the winter time and the cold breezes were making their way through the window. Smruti’s eyes were transfixed on a small part of the beautiful sky which was visible from her bed. It was dark but the moonlight was bringing in some brightness. The brightness made the stars fade away from the sky. How rude of the moon, she thought. Because of him, the stars are fading away. The moon wanted to be with the sky and hence, was casting his spell. She looked at her cell messages again. What is Samrat really up to? What is going on in his mind, she thought.

Samrat was waiting for her reply but somehow he felt that he will not get any. Samrat didn’t know what exactly is going on with him. Have I fallen in love, he thought. But they say that life is a real puzzle. Everyone tries hard to solve it and in the process, get entangled in it.

How can I fall in love with a lady who is not only my professor but also ten years older than me and married? Why am I constantly thinking about her when she doesn’t even know about it? Or has she got an hint? This is not right. But it is making me uncomfortable. I am thinking about her every moment. Why has life brought me into this phase of life? Why? Samrat had many questions but no answers. He just knew that he was getting increasingly attracted to her. 

He knew that he was falling in love with her.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Kuch Luv Jaisa - Part 2

‘Why were you late, dumb?’, Pooja shouted as she called Samrat on his mobile after the event. Since she had to wait with their team and to complete some formalities of the event, she had asked her friends to move ahead and she would talk to them later.

‘I got up late. And then you know the traffic of Mumbai.’

‘Oh really? It is Sunday, dude. How much traffic will you really come across? Anyway, leave that. How was my performance?’ Her tone was ecstatic.

‘Brilliant like always. You were literally glowing. I am sure you might get some film offers as well.’

‘Oh! Thanks but leave films. I am just thinking about the offer which they have given me right now.’

‘What kind of offer?’

‘They have a similar concert at Bengaluru by this month end. They will be paying me for it.’ There was a sudden drop in her tone.

‘Wow! Wonderful, yaar! But why do you sound so sad? Are you not happy with the money they will be paying you? Already started throwing diva tantrums, huh?’

‘No, Sam. Dumbo, did you forget that we have placements this month end? How can I afford to miss them and go for this concert?’

Samrat tried to sort out the things. ‘What’s the big deal? I am sure the concert will be just on one particular day. If the date of the concert and the placements are clashing then there will be a problem. But otherwise, it hardly takes anytime to reach Bengaluru, perform there and be back for the placements.’

‘Hmm. Yeah, you are right. I will have to check out the dates first.’




‘Did you really like my performance or just saying to keep me happy? You don’t sound really cheerful.’

‘Hey, I mean what I said. There’s not even an iota of doubt that your performance was brilliant.’

‘Then what happened? You left the venue even without saying a bye. You seemed to be lost somewhere.’

‘Not really. Hey, tell me one thing. Didn’t you invite Smruti ma’am for the event?’

‘Yes, I did. How can I forget her? But she couldn’t come. She is not keeping well. She had texted me about it in the morning itself.’


‘So, this was the reason for you being lost. Now I get it,’ a bit of naughtiness in her tone.

‘Haha, well I was searching for her as she would have been really happy to see you perform on such a stage.’

‘Yes, yes. I understand, buddy. I know you since last how many years?’

’17 years, haha..’ Said Samrat while smiling.

‘Anyway, I will talk to you later. Bye.’ She said and cut the call.

She kept her mobile on her bed. She was facing the window of her flat. There were cool breezes flowing through the window. Pooja was calm and she was looking at the far away mountains which were visible. For a moment, she felt helpless, a bit uneasy and like a loser. Today, everyone around her had applauded her for her first public performance. But suddenly she started feeling as if she has really not achieved anything. Especially now, after the call with Samrat, she was feeling like a real loser.

Samrat had sent almost ten messages to Smruti ma’am on her mobile. But there was no reply from her side. Samrat wondered, if she was really not well then why would she not reply him? How much time does it really takes her for sending a text message? Is she angry on me? Or am I expecting a lot?

That very moment he heard a beep on his mobile.

Hey, Sam. Sorry..couldn’t reply you. Not feeling well. Hence couldn’t attend the event. See you tomorrow.

Finally, Samrat had a reason to sleep peacefully.

The next morning, Smruti had the first lecture of the day with Samrat’s class. Students were on time as usual. They say that beautiful girls are seldom professors. But here was an exception. Prof. Smruti Deshpande was as beautiful as a movie star. She never tried for modeling or films. But her grace was class apart; some considered it as better than the Bollywood heroines. She always used to keep her hair untied. Her beauty used to double in those loose hair. She was a post graduate in Computer Engineering from University of Mumbai and had opted for the teaching profession. She had an offer from Wipro Technologies through campus placements. But she had very well declined the offer. She wanted to be a teacher always and had been honest towards her goal.

She was easily the most beautiful and popular female professors at QIT. And that’s the reason why the attendance to most of her subjects used to be nearly hundred percent. She was one such professor who could really gel well with her students and be one amongst them. She had been a part of QIT as a Professor since eight years. Before QIT, she had taught in another college for two years.

Today, she was 32-years-old and married to Dr. Dev Deshpande since five years. They had a 4-years-old daughter, Rhea who was a carbon copy of her mother. Marriage had only made Smruti glow more than her college days. She looked like any other youngster in her early twenties. Age was an unmarked factor for her. With the kind of equation she had shared with her students over the years, she always used to feel youthful and lively. ‘My students are my family’, she would often say. She was of the opinion that there should be some teachers with whom students really find it comfortable to share their thoughts, views and problems. She was such a teacher.

‘Where is Pooja?’, she asked while looking at Samrat.

‘No idea.’ Samrat had the idea. Pooja had messaged him in the morning that she might not attend the college that day as she was very tired. But something happens to Samrat whenever he comes across Smruti. Her beauty sweeps him off his feet. There was a peculiar softness in Smruti’s voice which always made Samrat short of words.

‘Oh, yes! I forgot, ma’am.’ It struck him about Pooja’s message. ‘She might not come today. She was really exhausted by yesterday’s performance and all these days of practice.’

‘Truth. She deserves some rest. Anyway, let us start with the next chapter today. Data Warehouses.’ Smruti tried to gather the class’s attention and started with the lecture.

Samrat was trying to concentrate but the things didn’t make any sense to him in front of Smruti. He kept on staring at her and then the blackboard and her again. How beautiful one could really be, he thought.

After the lecture ended, he went to meet Smruti at her cubicle.

‘Ma’am, how are you now?’

‘Hey, Sam, I am feeling better now. Listen, I have an assignment ready. Can you please mail these questions to all?’

‘Sure, ma’am.’

‘And what else? How was Pooja’s performance yesterday?’

‘It was brilliant. You should have been there.’

Yes, you should, really, have been there. I so much wanted to see you. Do you even know how much I was missing you? This is what he wanted to say but, obviously, couldn’t say.

‘Wonderful! I was feeling really unwell since Saturday. So I thought that it’s better to take some rest.’ Smruti.

‘That’s good. I hope you are all fine now.’

‘Yes dear! You care so much about me. Your girlfriend will really envy me.’ She hinted about Pooja. She loved teasing Samrat by calling Pooja as his girlfriend and future wife.

‘Oh c’mon! I don’t have a girlfriend. And let anyone get envy of you. I really don’t mind.’ He said while wearing a really naughty smile.

‘Ha ha. That’s so sweet of you. Well, I have a lab now. Talk to you later, Sam. Don’t forget about the assignment.’

‘Sure, ma’am.’

As he came out of the staff room, Kunal came from behind and punched him on his back.

‘Hey, what’s that?’ Kunal pointed out to the papers in Samrat’s hands. ‘Oh, an assignment! Give it to Rajashri. She will solve it by tomorrow. Then maybe you can mail it along with the answers to the entire class.’

Samrat snatched the papers back from Kunal. ‘Dude, what’s up? I am not saying that you can’t solve it.’ Kunal said while laughing loudly. ‘I will be back,’ Samrat said and went towards his classroom. Kunal was puzzled for a moment. There is definitely something wrong with Sam these days, he thought.

Before the lunch time, Smruti came back to her cubicle to take her lunch box. On her table, she saw a few papers with a neat handwriting and elaborate answers. Samrat Joshi, B.E. I.T. was written on the top. Samrat had solved the assignment and kept the answers on her table even before she could complete her lab. There was a beep on her cell. It was from Samrat.

Solved the assignment and have kept the answers on your table. I will mail the questions to rest of the class in few minutes. Have a good lunch ma’am and don’t forget about your medicines. Take care. :)

Smruti had a sweet smile on her face.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Kuch Luv Jaisa

It was 10.00 am of a November Sunday. Generally, by the time October heat makes its way for the winter session in the city of Mumbai, it is already mid-December. But this year, the winters were arriving early. So the Sunday morning was a bit cool. And the 10 am alarm woke up Samrat from his sleep.

Sundays are meant to be lying on the bed till late or a football match in the later evening. But today, Samrat has no time for either of these things. He has to reach Shivaji Mandir Theater of Dadar by 11 as he has to attend Pooja’s first ever classical dancing event. It was already late. Few more minutes lying on the bed will end him up really late for the event. And he knew the consequences. The thought of those innumerable attempts to apologize and convince Pooja to shed the anger and the silence which will follow later made Samrat uneasy and really get off his bed.

And as expected, Samrat was late for the event. He saw Rajashri and Kunal sitting on the front row. There was a seat vacant beside Kunal. He went and occupied that seat. Rajashri gave him a hopeless look. Samrat got the mood of his friends. However, Pooja’s last song for the day was still remaining. Samrat’s eyes were trying to find her on the stage. ‘She will come next for her last dance. Where were you, dude?’ asked Kunal. ‘A bit of traffic, yaar. And I got up late’, was Samrat’s nervous answer.

‘Hey, here she comes.’ Kunal said while everyone gave a huge round of applause as she arrived on the stage. This was her last attempt on the stage for this event. She was looking beautiful in a red cherry colored saree with a pearl necklace and hair beautifully tied up on her back. Pooja was looking radiant. As soon as she saw Samrat sitting in the front row with her rest of the group of friends, a pleasant smile came on her face. She started with her performance. Some girls behind her were equally beautiful in their attire and were the chorus for Pooja.

Samrat winked at her whenever she used to give him a glance. But he was spellbound as always by her dancing moves. Pooja was a trained classical kathak dancer since her childhood and today she was enjoying her first achievement as a dancer. What started as a hobby has now taken up the form of a beautiful profession. Samrat had always encouraged her to be a dancer. But, even today, just like many other teenagers of their time, all of them ended up in the field of engineering. On top of it, Samrat and Pooja were studying together since their school days. After their standard twelfth studies at National College of Bandra in Computer Science, they went ahead with an engineering course in Information Technology at Quintessence Insitute of Technology (QIT). And today they were enjoying their seventh semester of four year engineering course.

Pooja's dance was very eye pleasing. Her moves were close to perfection. She was herself enjoying her performance. And that was the reason why people were enjoying it too. Samrat glanced at Rajashri and Kunal. Both were engrossed in the performance. Samrat really didn’t know much about classical dance. Rather, it never interested him. But when it comes to Pooja, he has to compromise.

He looked behind. The hall was fully packed with people. The guests included Pooja’s family and friends, professors and other staff from QIT and many other relatives of Pooja. There were people from her locality, her neighborhood, her dad’s friends, her mom’s cousins, her friends’ friends. People related to other dancers of the event had also arrived in huge numbers. There were some big names from the entertainment industry as well. Everyone who knew Pooja had come to witness her first ever public performance. Classical dancing was always taken in high regards by almost everyone who knew music. And the people who didn’t know even the ABCD of dancing were nodding with pleasure along with the classical song playing in the background. They were exhibiting their engrossed state of mind.

Samrat’s eyes, however, were searching for one face amongst the crowd. He was trying hard to search that familiar face. But in vain. An elderly lady sitting just behind him stared at him in disgust. It was meant for him to concentrate on the performance and not to disturb others. Samrat, then, stopped looking behind. He tried to focus on Pooja’s performance but somehow myriad thoughts tried to capture him.

‘Where is Smruti ma’am?’ He asked Kunal.

‘Sam, fuck you. Not now at least. I don’t think she has come.’

‘Why? She was invited. Why would she miss it?’

‘I don’t know. And for God’s sake, focus on Pooja.’

Kunal’s words fell on deaf ears. Samrat started wondering. Where was she? What would have happened? She would never miss this occasion. Samrat was just physically present in the hall but his mind was wandering somewhere else. Pooja's beautiful performance could do nothing to take him off his thoughts.