Saturday, November 19, 2011

Kuch Luv Jaisa - Part 2

‘Why were you late, dumb?’, Pooja shouted as she called Samrat on his mobile after the event. Since she had to wait with their team and to complete some formalities of the event, she had asked her friends to move ahead and she would talk to them later.

‘I got up late. And then you know the traffic of Mumbai.’

‘Oh really? It is Sunday, dude. How much traffic will you really come across? Anyway, leave that. How was my performance?’ Her tone was ecstatic.

‘Brilliant like always. You were literally glowing. I am sure you might get some film offers as well.’

‘Oh! Thanks but leave films. I am just thinking about the offer which they have given me right now.’

‘What kind of offer?’

‘They have a similar concert at Bengaluru by this month end. They will be paying me for it.’ There was a sudden drop in her tone.

‘Wow! Wonderful, yaar! But why do you sound so sad? Are you not happy with the money they will be paying you? Already started throwing diva tantrums, huh?’

‘No, Sam. Dumbo, did you forget that we have placements this month end? How can I afford to miss them and go for this concert?’

Samrat tried to sort out the things. ‘What’s the big deal? I am sure the concert will be just on one particular day. If the date of the concert and the placements are clashing then there will be a problem. But otherwise, it hardly takes anytime to reach Bengaluru, perform there and be back for the placements.’

‘Hmm. Yeah, you are right. I will have to check out the dates first.’




‘Did you really like my performance or just saying to keep me happy? You don’t sound really cheerful.’

‘Hey, I mean what I said. There’s not even an iota of doubt that your performance was brilliant.’

‘Then what happened? You left the venue even without saying a bye. You seemed to be lost somewhere.’

‘Not really. Hey, tell me one thing. Didn’t you invite Smruti ma’am for the event?’

‘Yes, I did. How can I forget her? But she couldn’t come. She is not keeping well. She had texted me about it in the morning itself.’


‘So, this was the reason for you being lost. Now I get it,’ a bit of naughtiness in her tone.

‘Haha, well I was searching for her as she would have been really happy to see you perform on such a stage.’

‘Yes, yes. I understand, buddy. I know you since last how many years?’

’17 years, haha..’ Said Samrat while smiling.

‘Anyway, I will talk to you later. Bye.’ She said and cut the call.

She kept her mobile on her bed. She was facing the window of her flat. There were cool breezes flowing through the window. Pooja was calm and she was looking at the far away mountains which were visible. For a moment, she felt helpless, a bit uneasy and like a loser. Today, everyone around her had applauded her for her first public performance. But suddenly she started feeling as if she has really not achieved anything. Especially now, after the call with Samrat, she was feeling like a real loser.

Samrat had sent almost ten messages to Smruti ma’am on her mobile. But there was no reply from her side. Samrat wondered, if she was really not well then why would she not reply him? How much time does it really takes her for sending a text message? Is she angry on me? Or am I expecting a lot?

That very moment he heard a beep on his mobile.

Hey, Sam. Sorry..couldn’t reply you. Not feeling well. Hence couldn’t attend the event. See you tomorrow.

Finally, Samrat had a reason to sleep peacefully.

The next morning, Smruti had the first lecture of the day with Samrat’s class. Students were on time as usual. They say that beautiful girls are seldom professors. But here was an exception. Prof. Smruti Deshpande was as beautiful as a movie star. She never tried for modeling or films. But her grace was class apart; some considered it as better than the Bollywood heroines. She always used to keep her hair untied. Her beauty used to double in those loose hair. She was a post graduate in Computer Engineering from University of Mumbai and had opted for the teaching profession. She had an offer from Wipro Technologies through campus placements. But she had very well declined the offer. She wanted to be a teacher always and had been honest towards her goal.

She was easily the most beautiful and popular female professors at QIT. And that’s the reason why the attendance to most of her subjects used to be nearly hundred percent. She was one such professor who could really gel well with her students and be one amongst them. She had been a part of QIT as a Professor since eight years. Before QIT, she had taught in another college for two years.

Today, she was 32-years-old and married to Dr. Dev Deshpande since five years. They had a 4-years-old daughter, Rhea who was a carbon copy of her mother. Marriage had only made Smruti glow more than her college days. She looked like any other youngster in her early twenties. Age was an unmarked factor for her. With the kind of equation she had shared with her students over the years, she always used to feel youthful and lively. ‘My students are my family’, she would often say. She was of the opinion that there should be some teachers with whom students really find it comfortable to share their thoughts, views and problems. She was such a teacher.

‘Where is Pooja?’, she asked while looking at Samrat.

‘No idea.’ Samrat had the idea. Pooja had messaged him in the morning that she might not attend the college that day as she was very tired. But something happens to Samrat whenever he comes across Smruti. Her beauty sweeps him off his feet. There was a peculiar softness in Smruti’s voice which always made Samrat short of words.

‘Oh, yes! I forgot, ma’am.’ It struck him about Pooja’s message. ‘She might not come today. She was really exhausted by yesterday’s performance and all these days of practice.’

‘Truth. She deserves some rest. Anyway, let us start with the next chapter today. Data Warehouses.’ Smruti tried to gather the class’s attention and started with the lecture.

Samrat was trying to concentrate but the things didn’t make any sense to him in front of Smruti. He kept on staring at her and then the blackboard and her again. How beautiful one could really be, he thought.

After the lecture ended, he went to meet Smruti at her cubicle.

‘Ma’am, how are you now?’

‘Hey, Sam, I am feeling better now. Listen, I have an assignment ready. Can you please mail these questions to all?’

‘Sure, ma’am.’

‘And what else? How was Pooja’s performance yesterday?’

‘It was brilliant. You should have been there.’

Yes, you should, really, have been there. I so much wanted to see you. Do you even know how much I was missing you? This is what he wanted to say but, obviously, couldn’t say.

‘Wonderful! I was feeling really unwell since Saturday. So I thought that it’s better to take some rest.’ Smruti.

‘That’s good. I hope you are all fine now.’

‘Yes dear! You care so much about me. Your girlfriend will really envy me.’ She hinted about Pooja. She loved teasing Samrat by calling Pooja as his girlfriend and future wife.

‘Oh c’mon! I don’t have a girlfriend. And let anyone get envy of you. I really don’t mind.’ He said while wearing a really naughty smile.

‘Ha ha. That’s so sweet of you. Well, I have a lab now. Talk to you later, Sam. Don’t forget about the assignment.’

‘Sure, ma’am.’

As he came out of the staff room, Kunal came from behind and punched him on his back.

‘Hey, what’s that?’ Kunal pointed out to the papers in Samrat’s hands. ‘Oh, an assignment! Give it to Rajashri. She will solve it by tomorrow. Then maybe you can mail it along with the answers to the entire class.’

Samrat snatched the papers back from Kunal. ‘Dude, what’s up? I am not saying that you can’t solve it.’ Kunal said while laughing loudly. ‘I will be back,’ Samrat said and went towards his classroom. Kunal was puzzled for a moment. There is definitely something wrong with Sam these days, he thought.

Before the lunch time, Smruti came back to her cubicle to take her lunch box. On her table, she saw a few papers with a neat handwriting and elaborate answers. Samrat Joshi, B.E. I.T. was written on the top. Samrat had solved the assignment and kept the answers on her table even before she could complete her lab. There was a beep on her cell. It was from Samrat.

Solved the assignment and have kept the answers on your table. I will mail the questions to rest of the class in few minutes. Have a good lunch ma’am and don’t forget about your medicines. Take care. :)

Smruti had a sweet smile on her face.


  1. hey dude change the angle of the story soon....U r heading d wrong way!!!!!

  2. dekhte hai..i'll write what I have it climax is also ready. ;P

    and all my stories are gonna you say..on wrong ways!

  3. is it related to someone in our group
