Saturday, December 10, 2011

Kuch Luv Jaisa - Part 4

‘Guys, IV in January!!!’

Pooja came screaming at the top of her voice. Kunal, Rajashri and Samrat were waiting for her in the canteen. The Principal had called a meeting of all secretaries and councils during which he announced the news about an Industrial Visit of the final year students to Chandigarh and Manali. Pooja was one among the secretaries of the Student Council of QIT.

‘Wow! Do you mean Industrial Visit?’ Rajashri asked.

‘Of course! IV means Industrial Visit only! You’re such a book worm, Rajashri.’ Pooja said.

‘That’s such a fantastic news!’ Kunal.

‘Which one? Rajashri being a book worm or we will be going to IV!’ Samrat said while staring at Rajashri.

‘You people are so mean. I am leaving. And I will not come to IV also. You guys don’t leave a single moment to pull my leg.’ Rajashri tried to show some anger. But she could never really get angry at her group. She loved them more than herself.

‘I’m so sorry, Rajashri!’ Samrat pretended to apologize.

‘But guys, it is in January. We have much more to face before that. Remember? We have placements from tomorrow. At least, I haven’t started any preparation.’ Pooja reminded the group about their campus placements which were to begin from the next day. During such campus placements, many IT and non-IT companies visit the college campuses for hiring students from the final year of engineering. First few companies are supposed to be honey pots as they not only offer huge salary packages but are also the ones at the top of their game and famous.

‘That’s my biggest fear for now, Pooja. You guys are at least good in maths. I am not sure whether I would be able to crack the aptitude tests.’ Kunal got worried.

‘C’mon, Kunal! Don’t start crying now. You are in the final year, dude! It is not that we all are good at aptitude. We have today’s time to practice and study. Let us do it then.’ Samrat tried to ease the tension.

‘Sam, for you, it’s easy because you are really good at aptitude. But we are not. Anyway, you have a point though. Let us start studying immediately for the rest of the day.’ Pooja said.

‘Yes! Anyway, we, engineers, are used to the last day studies!’ Rajashri.

‘Look who is talking!’ Kunal said and Rajashri picked up the empty can of coffee and threw on him. Kunal started running and Rajashri followed him, leaving behind Pooja and Samrat at the table.

‘Hey Sam! IV will be fun, won’t it be?’

‘Most definitely! It will be rocking.’

‘Truth!’ Pooja kept staring at him. She always felt at ease whenever she was with Samrat. After all, they shared friendship since their childhood. But somehow, for her, this friendship has become really special. She has got used to being with Samrat. She loved to fight with him. And she loved when he used to mend the ways by apologizing first. Pooja knew that the relation was getting special. They are no more ten year old kids. Today they are 22 years old and easily ready to fall in a very special relation.

But she didn’t know what he felt for her. And that is the reason why she never dared to take the topic until she gets some hint from him. Is this love?, she thought.

She was not sure. She was getting attracted to him and she knew it. But she was not ready to accept the fact that she had started loving her best friend. She was scared to admit it to herself.

‘Hey, girl! Where are you?’ Samrat pinched her hand.

‘Na..nothing! I was just thinking about the time we will spend at Chandigarh!’

‘Hmm. But before that, we have to get our jobs at hand.’

‘Truth. Tell me how are you going to study?’

‘Aptitude tests have maths, logical and English. English should be easy for us. Let us focus on maths and logical part. There are many books for it. R S Aggarwal would be one of the best choices to begin with.’

And both of them got immersed in a conversation for the preparation.

The moment she reached home, she got a call from Kunal.

‘Hey baby, want to talk to you right now.’

‘Kunu, let me first enter my house. Can I call you later?’ Kunu was Kunal’s pet name.

‘No girl! I want to talk to you right now. I could have told you about it in the college itself but Sam was around you all the time. And after sometime, every one of us will get busy preparing for tomorrow. So let us talk right now.’

‘Ok. Tell me. What is it about?’

‘Have you observed Sam these days?’

Pooja got the point. She knew Samrat more than anyone else.

‘Why? What happened to him?’

‘Don’t pretend that you don’t know anything. C’mon!’

‘Please Kunu, be precise and clear.’

‘Don’t you think that he is thinking about Smruti ma’am a lot these days? I guess he is getting serious.’

Pooja skipped a heartbeat. But she tried to gather some words.

‘Oh! So what’s the problem in it? We all know that he has a crush on her.’

‘Girl! This is serious. It is alright when we joke amongst ourselves. But when it gets a bit more than that to the extent that he calls her every night before sleeping, then it’s a cause to worry. He looks a bit lost these days. He tries to find her in every single woman around him. Do you know what I mean?’

‘Yes, I know!’

‘He doesn’t even look at girls of his age around.’

‘Haha..that was good. I know about it too.’

‘See, you know everything. I suggest you talk to him once. There is only one person to whom he can open up his mind and his heart. And it is only you, girl!’



‘Ok. Don’t worry. I will talk to him. I think we should get back at our preparations right now. Tomorrow is the D day man.’

‘Sure. Just let me know if you talk to him.’


She cut the call. She knew all the things which Kunal told her. But somehow she was not to ready to comprehend. She was not sure whether Samrat was really getting serious about Smruti. But now, after talking to Kunal, she was getting pretty sure.

She lost all the interest in getting prepared for the placements the next day.

The next day began with a lot of excitement. Everyone was in a formal attire to appear for the aptitude tests and ready to grab their first job offer. Infosys was the first company to start the roll. Patni, TCS, Cognizant were also ready with their pre-placement talks. QIT was easily one of the best colleges in Mumbai. It had many takers in the recruitment domain. Samrat was busy arranging his certificates and resume when Smruti arrived there.

‘Sam, go fast. The aptitude test is just about to begin. Run!’

‘Oh! Yea..yes. I am just going.’ Samrat closed his file.    

‘By the way, you look really handsome in formals.’ She looked at him and winked.

That was it. Samrat didn’t feel like moving from there. He blushed like anything.

‘Go, Sam and stop blushing. All the best!’ Smruti literally pushed him.

‘Thanks, ma’am. I will see you right after the test. Want to tell you something.’

‘Yeah yeah, go now!’

Samrat left from there. Smruti smiled to herself. The picture of Samrat blushing reappeared in front of her.

The aptitude tests were over for the day. And the selected students were waiting for the interviews to begin. Some dull and upset faces roamed around as not clearing the aptitude test was a big shock. Samrat, Pooja, Kunal and Rajashri, all four of them, had cleared the test. Now they were hoping to be together for the same company. Kunal couldn’t believe that he has cleared the test and was really happy. But the fate had some different story to tell. Kunal was selected for Patni’s interview while Rajashri was shortlisted for Cognizant’s interviews. Samrat and Pooja struck with a coincidence. Both were selected for Infosys’s interview.

There was still half an hour for the interviews to begin. Rajashri, Kunal and Pooja were busy going through their resumes. Samrat was pretending to read his file but he was looking for Smruti. Pooja observed it.

At that very moment, Smruti came there.

‘Hey ma’am!’ said Rajashri.

‘I will not disturb you guys much. I just want to tell that now it’s just a small road ahead. Clear it with the same intensity with which you all cleared the first round. All my best wishes with you. Love you all.’

‘Thank you, ma’am!’ every one said in unison.

Smruti and Samrat exchanged the glances.

Smruti left from there. Samrat stood up and followed her. Rajashri and Kunal looked at each other and then at Pooja. Pooja, however, was looking at Samrat who left his file on the table and ran behind Smruti to talk her. She got immersed in her thoughts.

‘Ma’am, thanks for that compliment in the morning!’

‘You are most welcome, Sam!’ she said while not looking at him and busy organizing files and papers on her table.

‘Ma’am, the interview is just going to begin. I am a bit nervous.’

‘Oh c’mon! Sam, you don’t need to be nervous. The interview will be a cake-walk for you. I am pretty sure about it. Just be yourself and answer.’

‘Hmm. Fingers crossed! Thanks, ma’am , for this encouragement.’

‘You don’t need to be. My wishes are always with you.’

‘I love you, ma’am!’

She looked at him. He was smiling. She was stunned. Before she could say anything, Kunal came from behind and shouted, ‘Sam, hurry up! The interviews have begun. Come fast!’

He looked at Kunal and looked back at Smruti and left from her cubicle.

Smruti’s jaws dropped. She didn’t know what to say. She was literally shivering as the words came very unexpectedly and in a way which was impossible for her to comprehend. She sat still for some time.

The interviews were over. There were almost two rounds of interviews namely technical and HR. Everyone was waiting to hear the results. It was almost 10 pm. The list was supposed to be displayed any time around. Smruti was also waiting at the college that day as she was a part of the placement council. Rajashri was almost about to faint as she had no more patience to wait any longer. Her interview, she said, was not really good. Kunal and Pooja were relaxed. Samrat was not much excited. He was thinking about the thing which happened at Smruti’s cubicle before he left for the interview.

And the news broke. The lists were put up.

All four of them had got it! Pooja was at the top of the world since she will be with Samrat for some more time now. Both of them were selected for Infosys. Rajashri was selected for Cognizant whereas Kunal got placed at Patni. There was a great cheer. A majority of the students were placed on the first day of placements. And the students who didn’t get anywhere, didn't have to worry much. There were two more days of placements ahead.

Kunal, Rajashri, Pooja and Samrat cheered together, 'HIP HIP HURREY!'

Smruti was looking at their students from a distance. She had a big smile on her face, especially to see these four friends cheering. They have got a job now.

Everyone came and hugged their Smruti ma’am. ‘It would not have been possible without your support, ma’am. I love you so much!’ Pooja got tears in her eyes. Smruti wiped off the tears and said, ‘Guys, it’s all your efforts. You don’t even know how happy I am at this moment. You guys are very special to me.’

‘Ma’am, will you come for the IV?’ Kunal asked.

Suddenly, there was a silence in the air. Smruti showed a hesitation on her face. Samrat thought that the answer was NO especially since what happened in the morning that day. Everybody was silent and looking at each other. Everyone wanted her to say a yes.

‘Yes, guys, I will be coming for the IV!’

‘Wow! HIP HIP HURREY!!’ cheered everyone as Smruti said it. Almost everyone started dancing with joy to hear that their favorite Smruti ma’am will be coming with them for the IV.

Samrat was blushing. Smruti looked at him. He smiled. So did she.

Pooja went through this exchange of expressions. Her excitement dropped suddenly. But she wore a big smile on her face. She said loudly, ‘Cheers!’.

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