Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kuch Luv Jaisa - Part 8

She was feeling extremely restless. When things and situations go beyond our control, we can’t really do much but face it. And facing it requires courage. She knew that the things which had happened between Samrat and her were not right. In terms of society, it was an extra-marital affair. 

At the same time, she knew that she had always loved her husband equally. Dev has always given her all the pleasures of life. He had been a great husband. There is not even a single reason, she thought, which would justify the current phase in her life.

But why can’t a woman fall in love after marriage? If men can think of women outside the marriage then even women can have such desires. The human desire of wanting to be loved is universal. It is beyond any caste, creed, sex, religion or even sexuality. A woman can feel the happiness when other men look at her in the similar way in which her own man caresses her. Then why can’t she love someone else other than her husband, she thought.

‘Let us leave, Smruti. We have to go to the police station.’ Samrat said. 

Both of them were sitting on the moist sand of Juhu Beach of Mumbai. The beach was less crowded that day. The water was calm. Smruti was looking at the silent waves reaching the shore. The waves, today, are very calm, she thought. May be they don’t want to talk with her for her actions.

Samrat was sitting beside her. He was feeling helpless. But having Smruti on her side was the biggest motivation for him to fight with the world. He knew that he has spoiled her family life and her marriage. However, he was feeling happy that he could have the girl of his dreams with him in his life.

‘I want to stay here for some more time, Sam. I really don’t know when we will get to meet again.’

‘Why are you saying this?’

‘It is very obvious. By now, everyone would have got to know about us. Especially, Dev.’

‘Are you stupid? How is that possible? There was no one at that hotel floor who knew us at that particular moment, except Rajashri. So how can anyone know about us?’

‘There was. And even you know it. I am talking about the one who shot at Rajashri.’ Smruti couldn't bear the thought even for a moment that someone knew about her and Samrat.

‘Yes, but whoever he or she was, that person will remain quiet and certainly not reveal anything. Because doing so will destroy him!’

‘But the blame game will start and we will be targeted. Police will investigate us. And the truth about us will be revealed. Sam, you don’t know how serious this case has become. We will be exposed. We will be targeted.’ Saying so, she started crying. 

Samrat held her and hugged her. He moved his hand around her hair and kissed her forehead. Both of them were finding comfort in each other’s warmth.

She looked at him. The memory of that day at Manali was still fresh in her senses. Her heart was beating faster as she thought of the beautiful moments which she had spent with Samrat at Manali hotel that day.

‘Do you remember those moments, Sam? We were together just like this at Manali before that fiasco happened.’

‘Yes, I do. I am living on those memories, Smruti.’

That day, after everyone had left the hotel, there was absolute privacy for Samrat and Smruti amidst the chilling weather of Manali.

He asked her to sit down. He, too, sat near her. Her heart was beating faster. But somehow she was being very passive and was letting the things happen.

He held her hand. ‘I just wanted to say, that I love you.’

She was not shocked. This is something which he had told her even before. But they had never got such a privacy and closeness any time before.

‘Sam, you know that this is not possible.’

‘Don’t tell me about what is possible and what is not. I just want to hear from you. Didn’t you ever have any feelings for me? Don’t you love me?’

She was silent. She didn’t know what to say. Sam was waiting for this moment to come. Even he was feeling nervous and restless but Smruti’s gaze and her beautiful eyes were putting him at ease and comfort.

‘Please say something.’ He held her hand tighter.

‘Sam, I don’t know.’

At least, she didn’t say a ‘NO’, he thought.

‘I know that you know very well. Even you like me.’ He said.

‘Sam, I like you. But even if I love you, how are things going to work out? This is simply not possible.’

‘I know. Things won’t work. But, at the moment, I just want to feel our love. At this moment, I want you to forget about the world and everything else and just be with me.’

‘Sam, if we get too close then it will be very painful for us to go away from each other. Let us not reach that stage where the days become so painful that we won’t be able to even forget each other.’

‘I don’t know. Right now, I want to be in this moment. I am extremely grateful to the Almighty for giving me this moment in my life. I am feeling blessed with you. Really.’

Saying so, he kissed her hand. He went ahead to kiss her on her lips. She was getting extremely nervous. She did not reciprocate the kiss. But somehow she felt good. She felt nice. And he sensed it. He kissed her again. And this time even she reciprocated.

She gave in.

He held her lightly and placed her on the bed. She was not resisting. She was very submissive and surrendered herself in his arms and breath. She was enjoying his breath, his smell. And so was he. He kissed her everywhere…on her forehead, on her cheeks, on her neck. He kissed her breasts. Both were in each other arms as if this moment was destined to happen. They were loving each other as if God had brought them together. 

They made passionate love. It had such intensity as if they were waiting for this moment to happen. He was completely inside her soul, her body and they reached a moment when both were gasping for breath. It was a divine orgasm for both. Smruti had never experienced such feeling before.

Samrat, while kissing her on her forehead, said, ‘Thanks, Smruti. Do you even know what you have given me today?’

She smiled and didn’t say anything.

Destiny, sometimes, has very unusual ways of playing its parts. That day, Smruti and Samrat were one. But both were never meant to be together in that manner. Even today, her nerves gave her pleasurable senses when she thought of that moment.

It would have been the best day of their life. But, as they say, nothing comes easily and you have to pay the price for your every deed.

There was Rajashri, trembling and standing, with the bedroom door open. She had her hand on her mouth. She couldn’t believe to see Samrat and Smruti, lying on the bed with a bed sheet wrapped around them.

Life has its unusual ways of hitting back. Sometimes, it, just, slaps.

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