Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kuch Luv Jaisa - Part 7

‘Hello, Heena?’

‘Yes. Tell me Vidya. How are you?’

Vidya was Pooja’s mother. Since they knew each other for many years, Vidya and Samrat’s mother, Heena shared a good rapport.

‘I am not at all fine, Heena. How can I? Are you?’

‘Well, I guess you are talking about the IV blunder, right?’

‘Yes, I am!’ There was an inherent fear in her tone. The parents of the students who had been to the IV, had all reasons to get worried. The blunder which had happened at the IV of QIT had appeared on the first page of The Times of India. Media had gone frenzy with this news. The news channels had ample of reasons to fill in their daily news bulletin slots. Vidya was crying helplessly as she saw Rajshri’s smiling face on the TV screen.

‘Try to control yourself, Vidya. The situation is much tensed. You know, Samrat did not tell me anything until this morning when the newspapers were in. I had observed his tensed looks last evening when he had returned from the IV and I felt at that moment itself that something has surely gone.”

‘I don’t know what to say, Heena. Pooja has a high degree fever since the time she has returned back home. Right now, she is sleeping. But the fever still exists. The incident has caused a lot of turmoil inside her. They were very good friends. She was crying like a baby while hugging me last night. Why such things happen to our children, Heena?’ Vidya couldn’t control her tears.

‘Rajshri was Samrat’s good friend too. The group of these four children, Rajshri, Samrat, Pooja and Kunal was like a flock of birds…always flying together.’

‘Yes. But from hereon, one bird will be missing from the flock.’

‘Should we go and visit Rajshri’s family today itself?’ Heena said.

‘Yes, I think we should. But Pooja’s father is not present at home. And I don’t want to leave her alone in this condition.’

‘Don’t worry about it. I will ask Samrat to be with her. Let us go and visit them today evening itself.’

‘Then it’s ok.’

Meanwhile, the news about QIT’s recent IV blunder had spread throughout the nation like a wild fire. It was a bit unbelievable to hear that a student was killed during the tour and the culprit was not even found. A murder case was registered at the Manali Police Station. The news report had taken the Mumbai Police on a toll and a fresh set of investigations had already begun. There were a number of Police vehicles standing on the campus of Quintessence Institute of Technology. Some vehicles were the ones of Maharashtra Government. The Home Minister had finally taken the plunge into the case.

Amidst the cool yet terror struck air of the Principal’s office, there was a closed door meeting between Mr. Pradhan who was the Principal of QIT, QIT’s director, Mr. D’Souza, the TPO and tour co-ordinator, Gesota and the team of Mumbai Crime Branch, including the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Patil.
Gesota’s face was sunken and sensed fear. He was very scared about the whole incident. His hands were shaking in nervousness and he was short of words.

‘Mr. Gesota, what do you think about the whole issue?’ Patil asked him with a stern look on his face.

Gesota was too scared to say anything. But somehow he gathered the courage to utter a few words. ‘I am really very scared at the moment, sir. I don’t know what to say.’ He paused for a moment, sipped some water and continued. ‘I don’t know what exactly had happened. When we returned back to the hotel, I lost all my senses when I saw Rajshri’s body lying in the corridors of the first floor. A lot of blood was flowing through her mouth. The hotel’s security had surrounded her body completely. The door of Samrat’s room was open and when I went inside, I saw Smruti crying very badly and Samrat trying to console her.’ Gesota couldn’t control his tears.

All of a sudden, everyone started looking at each other. Principal Pradhan skipped a heartbeat as Gesota uttered the names of Smruti and Samrat.

‘Well, Mr. Gesota, please try to control yourself.' Pradhan spoke further. 'We can understand your state of mind. But here comes a point to be noted, Mr. Gesota. What were Smruti and Samrat, as you took their names, doing at the hotel? Weren’t all students supposed to go out with you?’

Gesota suddenly became conscious and realized that he has just taken Smruti’s and Samrat’s names. ‘Yes, I mean, yeah, you are right. All the students were supposed to be with me. But…’


‘Smruti is a Professor at QIT and Samrat is a student. Samrat was critically ill with fever that day and hence Smruti decided to stay with Samrat at the hotel as he could rest and get well.’


Patil’s eyebrows rose. Somehow he felt as if something was fishy around the new piece of finding in this case.

‘It’s strange, Mr. Gesota. Why would a Professor like to stay at the hotel for an ill student? One of his friends could have stayed.’

‘Yes, I agree.’ Gesota tried to defend Smruti. ‘But Samrat was under the medication of Smruti’s husband’s medicines. Her husband is a doctor. And then Samrat is her favorite student. Hence she had decided to stay back at the hotel with him.’

‘Was Smruti’s husband, too, present at the tour?’


‘Then why was he asked for medication? Wasn’t there any medical help available locally?’

Gesota was now in a fix. It was indeed his mistake. Had he been a bit more careful and had disallowed Smruti from staying back at the hotel, then may be the things which happened further could have been avoided. But he didn’t know what to say now.

During this time, Smruti and Samrat were having cold coffee at the Café Coffee Day. Smruti's face was worn out. Samrat could sense that her energy has faded out completely after the IV mishap. She was having slow sips of the cold coffee. There was a silence between the two.

Finally Samrat spoke. ‘We don’t need to worry or get scared of anything. We haven’t done anything wrong.’

‘Sam, how easily can you say it! Who will believe us?’

‘I know. But we are true to ourselves. They might not have any proof against us. I had kept that revolver back deep hidden in my bag. And the investigation check over there couldn’t find it while checking our bags.’

‘But the fact that we were present at the hotel when she was killed is enough to make fingers point at us. Do you understand?’

‘Yes but then I am sure Gesota sir will try to speak on our behalf.’

‘It’s not that easy, Sam. I am goddamn scared. I swear Sam, I didn’t shoot at her.’ Smruti started crying while saying it.

‘I know Smruti. But the fact is that the things are done. She is killed. And it clearly indicates that someone else was present at the hotel other than me, you and Radhika.’

He couldn’t see her crying any more. He took her hands in his and tried to console her. ‘Smruti, please don’t worry. It has all happened because of me. Had I not asked you to wait then all these things wouldn’t have happened.’

‘And Smruti, even though the worst things of our lives happened there in front of us, I can’t forget the moments I shared with you before the incident happened. You gave me everything that day…success…life…happiness. I got your love, what else do I need?’

‘Sam, this is so very wrong. How can I love you?’

‘I don’t have an answer to your question. But I know that I love you and you love me too. I still cherish each and every moment we spent together at Manali. I still remember those moments when you were in…in my arms…for a moment I thought…I had achieved everything in life.’

‘But Sam…’

Both were silent for some time.

Here, Vidya came to Pooja’s room to check her daughter and tell her that she will be visiting Rajshri’s family in a few minutes. Samrat will give her company till she returns back.

Pooja was sitting near the window of her room. There was a worry on her face. But her face looked a bit fresh and lively now. She was serene though and constantly looking outside the window.

‘Good. Your fever seems to have gone down. I am sure you will be all well now.’ Vidya said while checking her body temperature.

‘I am feeling good, mom. Don’t worry.’ She took a pause and said. ‘Mom, I just got a call from Nritya Kala Academy.’ It was the same academy through which she had performed Kathak and other dance forms on the commercial stages of Mumbai since the month of November.

‘Oh! What did they say?’

‘They want me to perform at Bangalore this time.’

Vidya became quiet for a moment. She then said, ‘so did you tell them that it will not be possible for you to perform this time?’

‘No. Why should I say this? In fact, mom, I am leaving for Bangalore tonight.’

Vidya was surprised. ‘Pooja, are you mad? After all that happened, will you like to perform and earn? I mean I have nothing against you performing. But Radhika’s demise…will it look good?’ There were a lot of questions written on the mother’s face. She was looking at Pooja with a hope of getting an answer.

But Pooja’s face had a determination. ‘I know. But I can’t miss this chance. The show must go on, isn’t it?’

‘And what about your health? You are not that strong physically and emotionally at the moment.’

‘Don’t worry about that. I think I will feel better if I go out from here for some time. I want to get out of this chaos and breathe fresh and peaceful air. I need a change, mom.’

Vidya was just sitting quiet on the bed. She knew that it would be now almost impossible to change Pooja’s mind. Once Pooja decides upon something, she would see to it that she wouldn't change her decision.

‘As you wish. When will you be back then?’

‘May be a week later. I have four performances there.’

‘But that’s pretty long dear. Things here are not good. It’s a big news now.’

‘I know. But that’s the reason why I need some peace. Please understand, mom.’

‘Ok. I’ll send you some tea and biscuits.’ Vidya came out of the room and tried dialing Samrat. But his number was engaged.

‘Who is this?’ Samrat was asking the person who had called him. He was still present with Smruti at the CCD, holding her hands in his.

‘It’s Inspector Jagtap from Wadala Police Station. Mr. Samrat Joshi, you are immediately asked to be at Wadala Police station.’

‘What? But why?’

‘Well, we want to talk to you. We had been to your place but there was no one at your house. We request you to see us at the Police Station within an hour.

Samrat felt his hands getting cold. ‘And this is regarding what? What do you want to talk to me?’

‘It’s regarding Radhika Mukherji murder case. Please be quick.’

No sooner did Samrat cut the call than Smruti’s mobile phone started ringing.

‘Hello, Mrs. Smruti Deshpande?’

‘Yes. Who is calling?’

‘I am Sub Inspector, Chavan, from Wadala Police station. We request you to be at the police station in the next hour. We want to talk to you with regards to Radhika Mukherji murder case.’

Samrat and Smruti kept looking at each other. They were still holding each other’s hands, this time, very tightly.